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Community Library Initiative

Community Library Initiative

The Community Library Initiative is a flagship program of the Extended Hands Foundation dedicated to enhancing literacy and education in underserved communities across Africa. Our goal is to create accessible, child-friendly book stands stocked with free books and digital e-books to foster a culture of reading and lifelong learning among children.


  • Increase Literacy Rates: Improve literacy levels by providing easy access to a diverse range of reading materials.
  • Promote Lifelong Learning: Encourage children to develop a love for reading that will benefit them throughout their lives.
  • Support Educational Goals: Align with national and international educational objectives to enhance learning outcomes for children.

Long-Term Goals:

  • Sustainability: We aim to ensure the initiative’s long-term sustainability by training local educators and community members to manage and maintain the book stands.
  • Expansion: With ongoing support, we plan to expand the initiative to more communities and reach as many children as possible across Nigeria.
  • Continuous Improvement: Through regular monitoring and feedback, we continuously improve the program to better serve the needs of the children and communities.

Key Components:

  1. Book Stand Installation:
    • We construct and install weather-resistant, colourful book stands in key community locations such as parks, schools, and community centres, making books readily available to children.
  2. Book Donations:
    • Our book stands are stocked with a variety of age-appropriate books, including storybooks, educational texts, and digital e-books, to cater to different reading levels and interests.
  3. Reading Workshops:
    • We organize interactive reading workshops and events where volunteers read to children, engage them in discussions about the stories, and conduct activities to enhance their comprehension and enjoyment of reading.
  4. Spelling Bee Competitions:
    • These competitions aim to improve vocabulary, spelling, and public speaking skills, making learning fun and competitive.

Get Involved:

  • Donate: Your contributions can help us build more book stands, purchase books, and organize reading events. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact.
  • Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers to help read to children, organize events, and manage book stands.
  • Partner: We welcome partnerships with organizations and companies that share our vision of improving literacy and education for children in Africa.

Contact Us: For more information about the Community Library Initiative or to find out how you can get involved, please contact us at

Support Us: Visit our donation page to contribute to the Community Library Initiative. Together, we can create a brighter future for African children through the power of reading and education.

“Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who never finds out" - Frank A. Clark